When is a Tooth Extraction Needed?
If you’ve suffered dental trauma or are living with a toothache due to untreated infection or disease, you may need a tooth extraction to truly preserve your smile. A damaged or abscessed tooth can quickly lead to more serious issues affecting your other teeth, oral health, and even in some cases, your physical health if the cause is gum disease. At David M. White, DDS, our goal is to save a natural tooth, but if it doesn’t respond to conservative treatment, extraction may be necessary. Our dentist provides gentle tooth extractions in Reno, NV to quickly remedy your pain and save your smile from unnecessary harm. With sedation dentistry, a relaxing atmosphere, and affordable pricing, we’ll make your tooth extraction, and the path to restored health, surprisingly simple.
Consider Your Options
During your initial consultation, we’ll examine your problem tooth or teeth and determine if a tooth extraction is needed. We’re in-network with multiple leading insurance providers and will work with you to not only determine the best solution for your health but your finances as well. If you’re scheduled for tooth extraction in Reno, NV, this means we were unable to preserve your natural tooth with more conservative measures or have deemed it unsalvageable due to infection, trauma, or another cause. For most patients, tooth extraction is an efficient and fast surgery that won’t cause you pain. Our patients report that though they experienced a slight pressure during the procedure, they remained comfortable and relaxed at their appointment.

Tooth Extraction

Wisdom Tooth Extraction
The Results of a Tooth Extraction
- Eliminate tooth pain and sensitivity
- Halt the spread of decay or infection
- Preserve surrounding natural teeth
- Restore oral health and comfort

After Your Tooth Extraction
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